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12 Domain (bhava) Qualities of Shani

When reading any nativity, these effects must be balanced with all effects of all the other graha.

Shani's Domain 

Shani casts drishti upon 3rd, 7th, & 10th from the bhava which He occupies

   Tanu Bhava - House 1

drishti to domains: 3, 7, and 10.

Restrains & delays: ambitions (3); marriage (7); and career (10).  

Al Gore, Jr., GW Bush


Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining confidence in life  entitlement. This personality is profoundly affected by some type ofsurvival fear.

Survival patterns are imprinted at the very earliest developmental stages. Survival patterns range from primitive to highly sophisticated, according to the nativity. E.g., when Shani is otherwise well-disposed, native is exceptionally responsible. If Budha is auspicious, survival patterns are engaged with sharp analytical thinking. If Surya is strong, the native is remarkably self-sufficient. 

However there is no escaping the damage that Shani does in lagna. The native has a overwhelming strong perception of structures, rules, limitations, Scarcity & Time. This perception will be channeled through the mechanism of the entire nativity. 

Classic authorities often claim that Shani in lagna creates a bony or emaciated appearance. In fact, I often see large-sized, even overweight, and also wealthy professional people who have Jyotisha Shani in radix lagna. Sometimes combined with Shani rising in navamsha! IMO, Shani in lagna does not per se give a thin body, poverty, or ill-health. At least in the modern West, the emaciation may easily be emotional or spiritual rather than physical in appearance. The native is always feeling blocked, deprived, and hungry for validation but in the West at least they can have as much food as they want. Really, domain-2 rules the mouth & access to food, so Shani in lagna does not limit food. 

The Shani-rising native will always be a hard worker and face obstacles in life, but they are not typically thin, dark, or bony in appearance as the classics often suggest. IMO the classic Jyotisha commentaries are by and large situated in ancient or medieval culture. 'Work' in those days was almost always manual work which had the effects of thin, dark, bony, tired etc. However 'work' these days is often mental work which however exhausting tends toward a pasty complexion, sedentary plumpness and can also build great wealth! The central effect of Shani is the *survival fear* which drives the work, not the type of work itself. 

What I do see much more often in my Western clientele (which includes numerous immigrant Easterners now settled in USA) is a tendency toward destructive levels of judgmental conformism and perfectionism. The native seems to be constantly proving and re-proving his legitimacy and worth. Mandatory perfection comes with a deep-seated self-protection,itself a response to the Shani threat of being isolated, ostracized or abandoned. 

This pattern of working unusually hard to earn one's place in the family, business, and society can be seen in all Shani-rising nativities at all stations in life. Perhaps the native is driven to excel in a particular area of knowledge, a particular set of commercial skills, or a particular moral behavior. Any type of work will be done well by this native. However their sorrow is that they will never be good enough. Their underlying fear prevents them ever being fully satisfied, or fully grateful, toward any material accomplishment. Their work is never done.

Socially identified with matters such as calendaring & scheduling; the timing of events; and managing matters of age. Has senior status or  expertise due to life experience. Casting His harshest 3rd & 10th aspects upon administration (3) and career (10) with 75% impact upon marriage/agreements (7) Shani restricts & delays the attainment of self-made wealth, administrative projects, and leadership prestige.  

It's important to appreciate that if supporting graha are strong the native may manifest considerable material success and achieve high position. But one will never be satisfied with these achievements, due to the underlying threat of scarcity, the fear that whatever they have achieved in somehow not enough. They need more praise, more laurels, more assignments, more tasks... even if their existing achievement are formidable, this native must continue to earn further distinction. 

No help from the marriage partner. Siblings are a burden in youth, not an asset.  A positive 3rd-house would show healthy competition with siblings/cousins which builds communication skills and confidence to take risks later in life (courage). Malefic Shani aspect to 3 shows native is risk-averse, has negative expectation of successful competition.  Also negative expectation of love in marriage, and negative expectation of dignity in career.  

Person pulls resources into his/herself; lacks initiative for business.  Self-reliant, independent, & lonely.

    Dhana Bhava - House 2

drishti to domains: 4, 8, and 11.

Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining clear & easy speech. Initially speech is vulgar, cramped, foreshortened, or difficulty in expressing through language. May struggle to express successfully in the tongue of a foreign land, or be responsible for expressing difficult concepts. Native has burdensome responsibilities for speaking/singing/telling historical tales: it feels like work. Does not harm writing - only speaking. Not gracious of speech unless there are beneficial aspects to Shani/2.  

Restrains access to a settled home life. Native moves about frequently, usually for work purposes. imposes schedules & time restrictions on visits to the homeland/roots, to landed properties (4). Difficulties in marriage settlement, much effort to distribute the joint assets of marriage (8). Restricts the number & quality of friends. May find better friends in the working classes. Also applies discipline to marketplace relationships (11) so that turning a profit on ventures is never easy, but will improve with preparation & applying the results of research.

Prince Charles, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Dale Earnhardt


Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining properties (4) and marketplace gains (11). Spouse's wealth (8) is slightly restrained or delayed. Shani in 2 restricts native's basic educational values, marriage assets, and social networks. 

The birth family's values are deficient (i.e., the person was not culturally trained to value wealth & beauty) and/or long separations from the birth family. Native creates a non-blood family. See Paramahansa Yogananda.

   Sahaja Bhava - House 3

drishti to domains: 5, 9, and 12. 

Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining good fortune and 'wins' (5 & 9). Worry due to access blocking access to meditation/prayer (12). Associated with mental-emotional depression in house-3 of mental process. Maturity and self-discipline will correct these.



"No rest for the weary".  The mind is always anxious, because of blockage on amusements (5) and religious rituals (9) and personal prayer/meditation/dreams (12).  No easy release for worries. 

Shani in 3 reduces mental health & positive ambition causing depression/anxiety set in a "worst-case-scenario" set of expectations stemming from difficulties with siblings in childhood. The closest sibling is likely to be troublesome; teamwork demanding with the native shouldering excess workload; children unlikely; slow progress in administrative roles with many setbacks.  Conservative; does not expect "lucky breaks" and generally does not get them.


 shinyblueball.gif Bandhu Bhava - House 4

drishti to 6, 10, and 1.

Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining emotional stability (4) health (6) and self-image (1); also restrains career (10).  Scarcity and restraint leading to some type of poverty in the early childhood home (may be emotional, material, mental, or spiritual poverty). The parents are disciplinarians or are absent. One views oneself primarily as a worker, and something of an alien. Deep appreciation for those who lack food, clothing, & shelter.

Mahatma Gandhi, Madonna


Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining  financing (6) and bodily vitality (1) as well as prestige (10).  Native must remain in their home base (4) because neither the physical energy (1) nor the loaned capital to expand their scope (6) are accessible. There is always a bright side to Shani aspects on dusthana houses, which restrict dealings with difficult people.  

This person is hard to please because Shani in 4 restricts emotional contendedness.  If such a person is in your life don't take it personally... there's nothing an outsider can do to alleviate their internal oppression.

When Shani aspects 6, money-lenders, thieves, apothecaries (6) and government officials (10) are kept away.  Looks good, but this also means resistance to getting a mortgage for buying a house, being treated respectfully in public life, or receiving health care.  Shani/4 folks lack a good home foundation (often absent mother) & expect to feel vulnerable, weak, ill, and unimportant. Emotionally and socially insecure. If Shani rules a good house then the sense of vulnerability might produce a good career in specialties of making others feel sheltered, such as teaching young children or regional political leadership.  However the health & scarcity implications are always there.

   Putra Bhava - House 5

drishti to domains: 7, 11, and 2.

Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining agreement in marriage (7), community/ fruit-attainment (11), and the family lineage (2).  Better results from a late or delayed marriage, much preparation and applications of research toward profitable actions in the marketplace, and educating oneself about history and values of one's people.

Bill Gates


Shani casts His harshest 3rd & 10th aspects upon marriage/agreements (7) and networks of friendships (11), plus the lesser but still troublesome 7th aspect upon speech, wealth, samskara (2).  

Restricts access to supportive marriage partner, community, and birth family.  This person does not expect to flower easily.  They expect to carry the burden in marriage, community & family.  Low permission levels "Fun" and easy good fortune charismatic self-expression, including children & creative works.  Can prevent children entirely, but just as often will make children a major burden due to no help with child-raising from spouse (7), friends/community (11), or one's own birth family (2).


  Ari Bhava - House 6

drishti to domains: 8, 12, and 3. 

Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining agreements in  relationship to In-laws (8). Pressure on mental health/courage (3) and inner peace/prayer (12) due to a sense of scarcity of resources, most importantly not enough time.


Good house for Shani! Reduces, slows, impedes all dusthanas - which is a good thing!  "Bad planet in bad house gives good results." 

This person expects no rest, no sanctuary, no magical help.  However, not expecting any relief causes them to not waste time looking for someone else to do their work for them or blame for mistakes.  Very hard working people, often deal perseveringly with the social underclass, thieves, drugs and drug addicts, poverty & the poor, finance/usury.  Expects exploitation and cruelty.  Rarely disappointed by the poor behavior of others.  Never shocked by selfishness, indecency, criminal acts etc.  Often rises to respected position in organizations that handle accusations of wrong-doing or matters of the underclass (crime/poverty/illness).

shinyblueball.gif Kalatra Bhava - House 7

Ram Dass

drishti to domains: 9, 1, and 4.

Marriage requires sacrifice & personal discipline. Supports marriage to an older, plain, or simple & hardworking person; otherwise, much constraint & difficulty in things marital. 

Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining the blessings of wisdom/father (9) and security/mother (4) via the full 3/10 aspects whilst casting the 75% aspect upon body image/self (1), Shani in 7 harms ALL of life's fundamental -childhood relationships of mother-father-self. 

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Ram Dass


Shani has special directional strength (dik bala) in house-7, but this "strength" is really His power to build character through endurance tests in marriage! 

 The native has no expectation of unconditional love from mother, father, or self.  S/he becomes a performer, focused exclusively on conditional love/admiration from the broader society through role playing & material achievements.  There is no love in the marriage, although often good material success due to work ethic of partners.  Emotionally it is unbearable.

  Randhra Bhava - House 8 

drishti to domains: 10, 2, and 5.

Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining  leadership prestige (10) and speculative luck/personal  charisma (5) while also damaging wealth (2). 

Raising children is a heavy responsibility, and children cause concern throughout life.

Oppresses tantric awareness (magic, worldview shifts, psychic healing) in this life (8).

U.S. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt


Overall, "a bad planet in a bad house" i.e. a malefic graha in a dusthana house, has some good implications.  

Shani/8 indicates a long lifespan & duties with surgery or medical emergencies. Often suffers catastrophic change requiring medical intervention.

The native is blocked from access to magic or deep therapeutic change of any kind. Stores emotional pain in the physical body, and is forced therefore to deal with much physical trauma.

Damages natural powers of rejuvenation; the person looks older than they are. Duty-oriented response to trauma is limited to caretaking and structural support;. V cannot explore the damage thus healing powers are restrained. There are benefits to restricting the occult implications and ego-destructive capabilities of the 8th house. 

The native is pragmatic in managing the conditions of death, does not fear death, & usually offers technical service in some transformative environment such as a healing center without being personally healed. If in business will make much profit for others without gaining themselves. No doubt they are somewhat nervous about the power of magic due to negative experiences in past lives. Permission to heal others but not oneself.

Karmic trouble-spots include reduced spousal contribution to the joint assets of marriage and a negative or non-helpful experience of the partner's family (in-laws) who will hail from a lower social class than the native. 

Enjoyment of social prestige (10), wealth (2) & children/charm/amusements/speculation (5) will be limited. Even if other planets give high intelligence, the native is tied to a practical, positivistic worldview which means very little spontaneous miracle in this life. Benefits include a strong work ethic and willingness to take the lion's share of responsibility in partnerships.

Oppresses the joint assets of partnership.  Spouse contributes relatively little to the joint wealth. If good wealth yogas exist the native may build his own wealth the old-fashioned way, by hard work, and lots of it. Saturn eliminates the short-cuts to wealth but He rewards solid labor.  Reduces permission for transformative change in this life; will be a hard worker but not willing to accept magical change.

Das says:

... puts a powerful lid on past auspicious influences, forcing you to meet the everyday trials of life with no help from past karma. Under such rigorous conditions you become bewildered, having been abandoned by relations, abused & tormented through no apparent fault of your own, & put to physical hardships which require great stamina to bear. In some cases, finding your helplessness acute, you begin to seek pleasure through dissipation, though under favorable circumstances you may begin pursuing an arduous spiritual path which, though it may not eliminate sorrow from your life, may reveal the deeper meaning that life & destiny awaits you after your period of trial. 

Long life is indicated. You may live in a foreign land where being caught as a thief is punished. Much sorrow... friends avoid you. Quarrelsome, bilious. Death in a foreign place due to heart trouble, cough, cholera etc. You are sober but bold and fearless. Children are cunning. ... contact with low class persons. Financial difficulties due to several restrictions. Unhappy dreams & death of father. ... keeps you alert till the last breath: gets premonitions, esp. if 4th or 5th house is occupied by malefics. A benefic in these houses will keep you unconscious in your last moments. 

Fortune after 36. You are denied the company of virtuous & live with the lower persons. Separation from your own people. Loss of wealth. Ailing; finding fault with others. Far from being generous, very narrow-minded. Being crooked, no body can cheat you. You suffer great loss of wealth; sudden separation from own people; always perverse minded; very clever; scared of disease; ill-reputed. Lazy, glutton, miserly, kind & timid. Few children & weak sighted

  Dharma Bhava - House 9

Nelson Mandela

drishti to domains: 11, 3, and 6.

Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining gainfulness. Shani delays or restricts friendship & marketplace associations (11). Beneficial for restraining enemies (6) but also prevents or forces great discipline upon the mental processes esp. communications. Does not damage courage (3) but rather forces patience.

Lots of trouble with enemies, debts, & disease during Shani periods.


Similar to Shani-in-6 but less favorable.  Shani in dharma bhava is famed for reducing a person's prosperity due to His virulent aspect upon the 11th house of gains/income. 

Marketplace associations are restricted; upstream/downstream relationships are blocked; you don't get connected (easily) to the people who can help you get what you want. The father/guru has low standing which makes connections, courage, problem-solving (6) all under-resourced.  Saturnian drishti upon the dusthana houses 3 & 6 is helpful, restricting incursions from competitors & enemies - but the native is  too cautious in undertakings (risk-averse) and too aware of the underbelly of human behavior (6). Good person who suffers lack of faith, due to lack of religious/moral guidance.  Major trust issues.

  Karma Bhava - House 10

drishti to domains: 12, 4, and 7.

Heavy public responsibilities. Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining recognition in public positions. Strict adherence to public codes of conduct is required. Delays or prevents access to sanctuary protection/ ashrama or research lab/libraries (12) ; heavy work & responsibilities in foreign lands. Limits settlement or security of family home because the native must move frequently for his work (4). Delays marriage; but supports marriage to a plain, simple, or older person (7).   

U.S. Pres Richard Nixon, Albert Einstein


Casting His  harshest 3rd & 10th aspects upon the protection/temple house (12) and marriage/partnerships (7), plus the lesser but still troublesome 7th aspect upon home/security (4). 

Some dignity through public responsibility, but makes that responsibility very challenging to carry out because the person has neither shelter of meditation nor shelter of home/emotional security nor easy partnerships.  

Every action demands detailed consideration, with little help from others.  This person was raised with early responsibilities & unreliable supporters; as adults they believe that "if it is going to be done right I have to do it myself".  By damaging the shelter/sanctuary of 12/4/7 and forcing the person to be on-duty so much, Shani/10 makes a highly competent manager but reduces the long-term leadership trajectory.  Dignified but very demanding, and rarely receives full recognition for their considerable efforts.

  Labha Bhava - House 11

drishti to domains: 1, 5, and 8.

Restrains  vitality/ self-image (1) and reduces contribution of spouse/partners toward your welfare (8), also limits children/ charisma/ good fortune (5).  


Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining  a good relationship with one's in-laws (8). Initially they are absent or unhelpful. The spouse brings less value to the joint assets of marriage. Limited access to secrets or confidential information, including healing knowledge. Disciplined labor of the physical body. One has less physical vitality, range of motion or range of personality is restricted. 

Children if present are more of a burden. This is a hard-working person who gains only modestly. Limited fortunes.  Although he works very hard to develop "connections" his charisma is weak (5).

  Vyaya Bhava - House 12

drishti to domains: 2, 6, and 9.

Oppresses family lineage/wealth (2), financing (6) and father/ morality/ religion (9)


Some difficulties or maturation required before obtaining Wealth (2) due to restricted values transmission through the birth-family culture.  (If domain-4 is strong this can be reversed through the discipline of formal education.) 

Religion may be rejected, no expectation of help from deities or priests (9).  No confidence in borrowed money, fear of usury (6).  This person is chained to their fantasies and often immoral, due to the limits on values & religion plus a realistic tolerance for exploitation & power imbalance (6).  However they will cover up immoral actions nicely through "loss" of visibility since the 12th is an occult house.  

Shani's transit through the 12 domains